Here at LifeScapes, Susan blogs about life at Meadow Knoll, the homestead she and husband Bill Albert settled more than 30 years ago, deep in the Texas Hill Country. She posts about the landscape and the many creatures that share their 31 acres, as well as local and planetary environmental issues. She also writes about her life as a writer, publisher, and teacher. For more about the Alberts’ wildlands, woodlands, gardens, farm animals, and (of course) writing, read her memoirs: Together, Alone: A Memoir of Marriage and Place and An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days.
In Bloom This Week: Gayfeather
This week, the Hill Country meadows are punctuated with purple exclamation points. This lavender beauty is gayfeather (Liatris spicata), or blazing star, also called snakeroot and colic root. Mrs. Grieve, in her Modern Herbal (not so modern: 1929) reports that the plant was used as a diuretic, as a topical treatment for sore throat, to treat snakebite, […]
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